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Equipment: Blower & Electric Motor
Industry: Refinery
Country: Spain

Problem: In the initial phases of demolishing the materials underlying the metal frame or base of the blower, the magnitude of the displacements it had suffered as a result of corrosion was confirmed.


  1. Cleaning of the top concrete of the foundation and restoration of the grouting with Apoltec®800.
  2. Repair of anchor bolts by replacement (6).
  3. Cleaning of the base frame by removing the anchor plates.
  4. Consolidation of filler materials by injecting Apoltec®300 liquid epoxy resin.
  5. Cleaning of the top concrete of the pedestal of the electric motor and restoration of the grouting.
  6. Re-leveling of the electric motor by removing part of the shims and compensated lifting of its frame.
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